National and international touring acts: Please send inquiries to: info@bullrunrestaurant.com, Attn: Booking
If you are a local or regional band looking to book a show at The Bull Run:
First, please read this page, then review our lineup for ticketed and non-ticketed entertainment.
Next, consider what we have to offer you and what you have to offer us.
Are we the right venue for your style of performance, and are we located where you have a fan base or can build one?
Will you have enough of a draw to make the event worth it for you and for us? We realize that you don't want to play to an empty room, and we don't want to pay for an empty room. It's better all around to be realistic about your ability to draw.
Then we can consider alternative options.
We have been presenting shows for 77 years now in this location, and we are open to most types of entertainment, including
blues, jazz, alt, funk, rock, folk, country, comedy & cabaret - but understanding what works best at Bull Run will help you!
We have four performance spaces. Two of the performance spaces are strictly for ticketed shows:
The Sawtelle Room holds 300. The Ballroom holds 70.
Our Patio holds up to 80 and can host ticketed or non-ticketed performances.
Our Tavern acts are never ticketed. We book acoustic ONLY in the Tavern as dinner music versus a show. This means small, quiet acts only in the Tavern.
To get a sense of the performance spaces, see this video: LIVE MUSIC on 4 STAGES
For a feature spot in the Sawtelle Room you would need to draw a minimum of 100 people and come in for a percentage of the door.
For a feature spot in the Ballroom you need to draw a minimum of 50 people or sell out, and come in for a percentage of the door.
If you’re sure you can draw these numbers, we can start to talk about a guarantee versus a percentage of the door.
In general, we book at least 6 - 8 months out, so "fill in" dates or dates within the coming 6 weeks aren't generally viable.
The Sawtelle Room or the Ballroom are ideal for ticketed CD RELEASE parties. For all ticketed shows, we will help market/promote your event via our website,
e-newsletter, local advertising & Bull Run social media.
The above guidelines are for concerts, comedy or spoken word performances.
Theatrical presentations or recitals have specific guidelines and guarantees and should be booked through our Sales Director.
Important considerations: We cannot book loud, electric bands in our 70-seat Ballroom. Our restaurant is situated directly below it. We prefer NO drums or bass but if that's an essential part of your band, drummers & bass players MUST play soft. We don't like to do it but have stopped shows in the past if bands amp up during the set. Also keep in mind that our Ballroom is located in the historic top floor of our Tavern, and requires climbing a stairway. Please contact us for questions on accessibility.
Another option is you could come in as an opener for a band with a larger draw. As an opener you would not be expected to draw as much, but could benefit from opening for someone with a greater draw to increase your fans in the area.
The opening spots are normally 25 - 30 minutes in length. If you bring your email list you can begin to increase your potential to draw at Bull Run. PLEASE NOTE: Opening acts are a rarity these days as they are subject to approval by headlining bands - it's not up to us.
Yet another possibility is to work out a split bill where you and another artist with equal draw share the night.
You would also split the percentage of the door but it would double your chances of filling the room.
And hopefully both acts would gain new fans from each others fans.
Finally, you could book the Sawtelle or Ballroom as a private event where you play for your invited guests rather than the general public. We would consider that a
private function with its own guidelines that should be booked through our Sales Director.
An IMPORTANT note: The Bull Run is a restaurant that has been in our family for decades. Our shows are set up supper theater style, meaning patrons dine in the same room prior to the show, with full bar and table service. We want everyone's experience to be high quality. We will welcome you, feed you, offer you a nice green room, sound, lighting & marketing back up. We will treat you well and expect the same in return for our guests and our hardworking staff.
After you have thought all of this through and have come up with a reasonable game plan for how we might have a successful night, send me an email at: bullrungeorge@gmail.com with a link to your website where I can listen to your music, read a little
bit about you and see where you're playing around the area. If it seems like we might be able to work something out, I'll get back
to you as soon as I can. PLEASE be patient. We get dozens of inquiries daily. It takes time to go through them and give them the consideration that they deserve.
We ask that you also consider our schedule. Please don't reach out on a busy weekend or holidays. Understand that we are closed on Mondays & Tuesdays.
Offer professional quality photos, music samples and band info for the best results.
If, after 3 or 4 weeks you still haven't heard from me, you can send me a reminder. I will try to consider all requests. Most of all I appreciate professionalism in your communication:
You will have a MUCH better chance of getting booked if you send me short, succinct bios, high res photos, quality videos, a few decent music clips and the room you feel is most appropriate for your act: Sawtelle Room, Ballroom, Patio or Tavern.